Ashish Parekh in Louisville Explaining the Roles and Responsibilities of Data Analysts
Almost all the industries and organizations in the world rely on data to make suitable business decisions. Newmarket entry, product development, or a new customer to target is possible based on the researches using massive volumes of data. These industries also use data to identify any inefficiency and areas of improvement. In short, data is the heart of every activity that businesses and organizations need to undertake. What is Analytics? Ashish Parekh in Louisville , explains that analytics is the activity that brings together theory and practice to identify the patterns in data. These insights help managers and industry leaders to make informed choices and decisions. Analysts consider various factors in account like competitive environment, industry interests, or absence of specific data sets to make recommendations. Data analysts prepare themselves for their careers by mastering the concepts of probability theory, risk management, and data visualization. Other ideas that they need ...